aghfabsowecwn - aka wtf

A Giant Hack For A Better Support Of Windows Elevated Commands With Node


This module gives you a more complete support to run windows commands with elevated privileges.

What s the problem

Running windows elevated command with node is not simple,

Solutions exists on npm, but they all have drawbacks such as,

Find out more at

It s also more than possible that alternatives solution using binaries exists,

I m not aware of them / I wish not to use a black box.

What s this module enhancements

This module provides


npm i @mh-cbon/aghfabsowecwn --save



var spawn = require('@mh-cbon/aghfabsowecwn').spawn;

var opts = {
  bridgeTimeout: 5000,    // a timeout to detect that UAC was not validated, defaults to 3 minutes
  stdio: 'pipe',          // How do you want your pipes ?
    'FORCE_COLOR':1,  // example, enable chalk coloring  
    'DEBUG': '*'      // example, enable visionmedia/debug output

var child = spawn(process.argv[0], [__dirname + '/test/utils/stdin.js'], opts);

child.on('started', function () {
  console.log('===> child pid=%s',

child.on('close', function (code) {
  console.log('===> child close code=%s', code)

child.on('exit', function (code) {
  console.log('===> child exit code=%s', code)

// if UAC is not validated, or refused, an error is emitted
child.on('error', function (error) {
  console.log('===> child error=%s', error)
  console.log('===> child error=%j', error)
  if (err.code==='ECONNREFUSED') console.log('UAC was probably not validated.')


// child.stdin.end();
child.once('started', function () {
  setTimeout(function () {
  }, 1000)


var exec = require('@mh-cbon/aghfabsowecwn').exec;

var opts = {
  bridgeTimeout: 5000,    // a timeout to detect that UAC was not validated, defaults to 3 minutes
  stdio: 'pipe',          // How do you want your pipes ?
    'FORCE_COLOR':1,  // example, enable chalk coloring  
    'DEBUG': '*'      // example, enable visionmedia/debug output

var child = exec('ls -al', opts, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
  console.log('===> child error=%s', error)
  console.log('===> child error=%j', error)
  if (err.code==='ECONNREFUSED') console.log('UAC was probably not validated.')
  console.log("stdout=%s", stdout);
  console.error("stderr=%s", stderr);

child.on('started', function () {
  console.log('===> child pid=%s',

child.on('close', function (code) {
  console.log('===> child close code=%s', code)

child.on('exit', function (code) {
  console.log('===> child exit code=%s', code)

// if UAC is not validated, or refused, an error is emitted
child.on('error', function (error) {
  console.log('===> child error=%s', error)
  console.log('===> child error=%j', error)
  if (err.code==='ECONNREFUSED') console.log('UAC was probably not validated.')


This modules is a giant hack because it uses overkill techniques to achieve something which seems rather simple.

The short story is,

The server help to escape signals and data from the elevated child to the userland (socket to pipe / pipe to socket).

stderr        [user] <=== [server] <=== [elevated]
stdout        [user] <=== [server] <=== [elevated]
stdin         [user] ===> [server] ===> [elevated]

Method calls
controlin     [user] ===> [server] ===> [elevated]

emitted events && set properties
controlout    [user] <=== [server] <=== [elevated]

Other notes


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